
“Private Transport” a new feature in Vehicle Ownership Transfer service via “Absher”

Wednesday 13 May 2020

“Absher” platform has introduced a new special service “private transport transfer”. This feature has been added to "Vehicle Ownership Transfer" eservice which allows individuals to complete transferring ownership of vehicle electronically via the Absher platform, after inspecting the vehicle by the buyer and after an agreement between buyer and seller on a specified price.

This service allows the Seller to log in his account in the “Absher” platform to select the vehicle to be sold, determine the agreed sale price and enter buyer data (ID and date of birth). The seller also enters his bank account number to which the sale price is to be transferred. The entered account should exist under his name at one of local banks.

The buyer has only 1 hour to log in to his Absher account to accept or reject the sale request. If the buyer exceeds this time limit without any action, the sale will be automatically canceled; however, if the buyer accepts the application, he must enter his bank account number. This account will be used later to refund vehicle price, if the sale is not completed for any reason.

Note that the periodic inspection during the Corona pandemic period is not obligatory to complete the sale.

"Vehicle Ownership Transfer" is one of more than (200) eservices that benefit more than 15 million users via the “Absher” platform, for individuals and the business sector. 

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