To enable users to issue or cancel authorization to another user (authorized person) to use specific services in Absher electronically.
Issue Authorization
An optional service enables travelers to create a travel request via Absher application (individuals), allowing the vehicle owner or their authorized driver to complete travel procedures through the King Fahd Causeway. This service includes registering travelers' data, verifying their eligibility and the vehicle's, and electronically paying bridge fees and insurance after submitting the travel request.
Authorize – Authorized - Cancel - Add – Receive - Employment - Work - Passports
This service allows you to waive a traffic accident or object to a traffic accident percentage registered by Traffic or Najm
Issue Authorization
To enable users to add an actual user to one of their vehicles online.
Vehicles Management- Cancel the authorization-Issue Driver Authorization
The service enables the citizens and residents who are activated on Absher platform, to book an appointment at the traffic departments to execute any of the following services:
-Issue a driving license
-Print a vehicle repair permit
-Finalize traffic accident procedures
-Print a traffic accident report
-Issue a temporary driving permit
-Issue a replacement of a driving license
-Issue a replacement for a damaged/lost driving license
-Issue a replacement for a damaged/lost driving license
-Renew a vehicle registration license
-Finalize vehicle registration license procedures
-Print a data chip
-Scrap a vehicle
-Export a vehicle abroad
-Change vehicle's status
-Transfer vehicle ownership for cases that cannot be done through exhibitions and Absher
-Renew driving license
-Modify vehicle data
-Issue a replacement for a damaged/lost vehicle plate
-Issue permits/ traffic safety division
-Replace vehicle plates
-Print a traffic accident estimation sheet
-Traffic authorities’ procedures
-Training in driving schools
-(Driving assessment for someone who has a skill)
-Training in driving schools
-Request junior driving training (30 hours)
-Replace a foreign driving license - women
Book an Appointment(Traffic)-Appointments-Traffic Appointments-Muroor Appointments Service
To enable the user to delegate another person to receive his female worker upon arrival for work.
Authorize – Authorized - Cancel - Add – Receive - Employment - Work - Passports
To enable users to authorize others to review sectors and carry out transactions on their behalf.
Authorization For Sector Visit - Authorization - sector
This service allows the beneficiary to issue authorization for a citizen data document for a selected sector wiyhout need to visit civil affairs office.
بياناتي - البيانات - بيانات- أحوال
To enable users to book an appointment with Istiqdam office to request admittance for their family members (wife and children).
Appointment - Book - family - visa
To enable users to book an appointment, modify or cancell it through Absher platform.
Appointment - Book - Affairs - civil
To enable users to book an appointment for service at the passport department.
Appointment - Book - passport - passport
Enables citizens to authorize a governmental sector to view his or her authorized information with Civil Affairs.
Data - Bayanati Service - Bayanati - service
To enable users to cancel vehicle user for his vehicle.
View - Cancel Authorization
The service enables you to cancel Hajj permit for yourself, your family members and sponsored individuals. If your companions want to cancel their Hajj permits, they must log in to Absher and cancel them. And for those who cannot use Absher, permits can be cancelled through the civil affairs, for citizens, and passport department, for residents.
Cancel Hajj Permit by Pilgrim
To enable users who have family members or domestic workers to cancel the exit/re-entry or final exit visa.
Cancellation- exit/reentry - final exit visa
This service enables martyrs and injured families to initiate a request for offered services by providing the required documents and inputs as per the selected service, note that it is not possible to apply more than one request until the current request, if any, is completed
Request For Martyrs and injured families-Care of Martyrs and injured families-Martyrs - injured families
To enable the individuals to submit online and follow-up their complaints against prisons and detention centers in relation to the oversight role with respect to verifying the arrest legality or imprisonment or related to the prisoners or detainees’ privacy or the arrest of a prisoner in places that are not designated for detention.
Prisons and detention centers complaints - complaints - Prisons - prisoners - detention - human rights
A new electronic service enables individuals to issue a Police Clearance Certificate (Criminal Record Report) easily via the Absher platform. The request can be submitted through the "Criminal Record Clearance Requests" section, where the certificate can be viewed, printed, or sent directly to the national address. The service also allows users to review previous requests, whether approved within their validity period (30 days) or rejected.
Certificate Requests of No Criminal Records-Certificate-Requests Criminal record report
This service allows issuance of a death certificate for a citizens' first-degree relatives: (father - mother - children - husband - wife) or for the employer if the deceased is a resident. Then, they can view formerly issued death certificates.
Renew Saudi National Id-Renew-Saudi- National Id-renewal-ID card
This service enables citizens and residents to view their digital documents
Digital Documents - Digital
To enable Citizens and Residents to display all the Employees.
Display - Sponsorees
This eService allows disputing traffic violations registered by (General Department of Traffic) or any other authority authorized to apply the traffic system and its executive regulations.
Infringement - Traffic - Objection - Saher - Baashr - Report - Registration - Photos - Video
The user can request postal delivery for some documents, which have been issued via Absher within specific days as following:
• Iqama issued within 90 days.
• Vehicle registration renewed within 90 days.
• For passport, if you did not request the postal delivery within the passport services (renewal or issuance services), you cannot request the delivery through this service.
WASEL – Post - Address - Location - Map - Data - Delivery - Documents - Saudi
This service allows individuals to renew their driving license electronically in a simple and fast process, saving time and effort without the need to visit Traffic Department offices.
Traffic – Drive - Renewal - Vehicle - License - Driving - Car
This service allows individuals to book training appointments at driving schools easily, enabling them to complete the necessary training requirements for obtaining a driving license. After completing the training and tests, beneficiaries can obtain a driver's license through their digital ID via "Absher" platform, providing a seamless and flexible digital experience.
Journey for Driving license issuance
This service enables the employer to drop a worker who exit and did not return.
نقل - خدمات - نقل كفالة - جوازات - عامل - مكفول - كفالة - كفاله - شغالة - شغاله - سائق - خادمة - خادمه - خدامه - خدامة
This service enable the user to issue an authorization to someone to visit sectors on your behalf.
الأحوال - الأحوال المدنية - مواعيد -موعد - حجز -احوال - أحوال - الاحوال - مواعيد الاحوال - مواعيد الأحوال
To enable users to online inquire about travel restrictions and services registered to them and see the details.
Travel Restrictions
This service enables beneficiaries to complete the bail procedures online without the need to visit the sector.
Electronic Bail Service-Electronic Bail-Bail - traffic
To enable the citizens and residents to extend the exit-reentry visa for the family members or domestic workers – who are outside the kingdom – online.
Extend - Exit Re-Entry- Visa for sponsorees - outside kingdom
To enable user to request an extension of Family Visit Visa only.
Family Visit - Family - Visitor - Recruitment - Visit Request - Expatriate Affairs - Dependent - Companion - Extend
To enable Saudi mothers to issue a family register.
Family Card for Mothers-Issue Family Card for Mothers
It enables a user (citizen, resident, visitor) who does not have an authenticated account in Absher, and wish to register in Tawakkalna App, to identify his/her mobile number for Tawakkalna App.
Register a Mobile Number for Tawakkalna -Tawakkalna - Register -Number
The service enables users to report any suspicious activity or fraudulent transactions to the Financial Investigation Department.
Individual - case - reports
This electronic service allows citizens and residents to issue a Resident ID for their registered domestic workers with ease via the Absher platform.
issue - immigration- passports - labour - new - iqama
To enable users to issue a residence identity «Iqama» for family member or domestic workers.
issue - immigration- passports - labour - new - iqama
To enable an individual with members or domestic workers to issue an exit/reentry or final exit visa for them.
Exit –Reentry - Final - Visa - Issuance - Cancellation - Passport Travel
This electronic service allows citizens and residents to register the death of a first-degree relative, an employee working for them, or a dependent, after the hospital reports the death through the authorized system.
This service allows citizens to electronically verify a family member or a foster family member and request a new national identity card with ease. It also allows for direct delivery of the document to the registered address without the need to visit a Civil Affairs office.
Issue,Issue National,Issue National Id,Issue National Id for,Issue National Id for family,Issue National Id for family member
This service enables you to add an authorized driver for the vehicle, were the authorized person shall have the following rights:
Authorized person can drive the vehicle in or outside the kingdom according the authorization type.
Traffic violations are registered directly against the authorized person.
Issue Authorization
This service allows newly married citizens to request the issuance of a Family Record electronically with ease, without visiting Civil Affairs offices. The official document is issued and delivered directly to the national address of the beneficiary, saving time and effort.
Family Card Issuance- New marriage- family card – registration
To enable employer to issue a final exit visa during the probationary period for domestic worker.
Issuing of Final Exit Visa for Non Iqama - Issuing of Final Exit - Final Exit Visa for Non Iqama
This service allows citizens to issue a Saudi passport electronically with ease, without the need to visit passport offices, through simple and quick steps after submitting the application and completing the procedures via Absher platform.
Issue Passport for Hosting Families - Issue Passport - Passport for Hosting Families
This e-service enables users to enquire about their Istiqdam requests.
Labour Importation Information
To enable martyrs of duty’s family members to request Civil Affairs services at home.
military- soldier
To enable to communicate online with the emirates of regions and sectors of the ministry of interior.
Messages and Documents
The service enables you to issue a Saudi passport for your family members under 10 years of age, who did not enroll their fingerprints in the MoI systems.
Minor- Passport - Issuance
The service enables you to renew the Saudi passport of your family members under 10 years of age online, with an option to deliver the passport through the Saudi Post.
Minor- Passport - Renewal
To enable users to extract and print the basic information of domestic workers electronically.
Request Muqeem Print-Muqeem Print-Request-Print
This service allows citizens to renew their national identity card electronically using the latest facial recognition technology, with the option to have the document delivered to the registered address without the need to visit Civil Affairs offices.
Renew Saudi National Id-Renew-Saudi- National Id-renewal-ID card
This service allows citizens to activate their National ID for themselves or one of their family members.
شهيد - الواجب - شهيد الواجب - الحد الجنوبي - عسكري - الأحوال المدنية - أحوال - الاحوال - احوال
This service enables the citizens and residents to bid online on (private, private transport, motorcycle) plates in the auction.
Online Plate Auction Service-Plate Auction-plate number-Featured board-Plates-auction
The service enables you to determine the extent of your approval for the other party (the father/mother of your children) to execute some passport services for your family members under 18 years old.
Parent's requirements regarding obtaining their consent- Parent's requirements-consent-Parent-approval
To enable the user to search for prisoners who have been imprisoned because of their inability to pay back debts, to contribute full or partial of outstanding sum required to release the prisoner.
Detainees - Detainees - Duwais - dept - Sadad - Prisons - Directorate
The service enables the citizen to issue an e-permit to carry a weapon in order to move from a region to another one.
إدارة الأسلحة - ادارة - الأسلحة - إذن التنقل بالسلاح الناري - إذن التنقل بالسلاح - إذن التنقل - إذن
It enables an individual to book an appointment at the police departments to perform any of the following services:
Forensic Evidence Appointments Service - Book an Appointment(Public Security) -Appointments- Public Security Appointment Service
The service enables you to print Hajj permits for yourself, your family members and sponsored individuals. If your companions want to print permits, they must log in to Absher and print them, or they can print them through the campaign staff.
Print Hajj Permit by Pilgrim
To enable prisoners’ relatives who are registered and activated in the prison system to book appointments to visit relatives.
Book an Appointment(General Directorate of prisons)-Appointments-Prison Appointment System
To enable non-Saudis, who reside in the kingdom, to request approval to own a property inside the kingdom.
Property - Owning- Non Saudis - Expats
This service enables citizen and resident inside the Kingdom to inquire about the information of their driving license
Driving - License - information
The service enables the citizens and residents to inquire and verify that their fingerprints have been enrolled in the MoI systems.
Resident - Fingerprint - Activation – Query - Passports – Affairs - Iqama - ID
The service enables the resident to inquire about his/her health insurance validity in the MoI systems.
Query health - health – query - insurance - heath insurance
This e-service enables users to enquire about the Vehicle Insurance Validity.
Vehicle Insurance Validity-enquiry-Insurance-Vehicle-Expiration
The service is used to inquire validity, type and details of Exit/Re-entry Visa.
check - Visa - exit - re entry
The service enables the residents to verify the health insurance validity in their records at the Ministry of Interior.
Worker - Arrivals
This service enables user to view the request that sent from sectors. You can either accept or reject the request.
You can also review request submitted previously, whether approved or rejected.
qubol - qobol - accept - contract - authenticate - bank
The service enables you to inquire about and view valid reports.
تقارير أبشر - تقارير- تقرير- طلب تقرير
This service enables individuals to inquire about and review Absher valid reports.
vehicle - ownership - sell - buy - car - cars - transfer - moroor - traffic
To enable users to inquire about funds available in heir service account.
account - money - transaction - pay - Sadad
To enable a resident, an employer, or the GCC citizens to inquire about the border number that is recorded in the Saudi passport system.
enquiry - border - number - passports - entry - query
The service enables citizens and residents in the kingdom to inquire about the driving license information.
Driving - License - information
This service enables citizens and residents to review online, violations logged by government agencies participating in the service.
منصة المخالفات - مخالفات الأفراد - مخالفة - غرامة
This e-service enables residents and citizens to enquire about their eligibility or their family members' eligibility to perform Hajj this year, by verifying that they have not performed Hajj in the previous five years.
الأحوال - الأحوال المدنية - مواعيد -موعد - حجز -احوال - أحوال - الاحوال - مواعيد الاحوال - مواعيد الأحوال
Hajj – Permit - Entry - Makkah - Ministry of Hajj - Rite - Permit - Holy Places
This service enables citizens and residents to inquire about the status of their Hajj permit.
الأحوال - الأحوال المدنية - مواعيد -موعد - حجز -احوال - أحوال - الاحوال - مواعيد الاحوال - مواعيد الأحوال
The service enables the citizens and residents to enquire about the iqama expiry information.
Resident - Query - Expiration - Duration - Passports - Validity - Date - Employees
To enable citizen to enquire about the National ID Number “NIN” validity information.
Identity - Validity - National - Expiration – Affairs - Renewal - Saudi - Citizen
The service displays to the citizens and residents the statement about all the workers and visitors arriving in the kingdom during the last three months and no resident identities have been issued for them.
Arrival – Employees - Airport - Entry Date - Visa - Visitor - Passports - Reception -
The service enables citizens and residents to inquire about impounded vehicles in more than 340 reservation sites; the service shows the vehicle type, along with the place and date of reservation.
Impoundment Vehicles-Vehicle-Vehicles-Query-Impoundment-custody
To enable Citizens and Residents to inquire about a resident report.
Inquiry-allows - users -inquire -report - against - show -details
This service enables the citizens and residents to inquire about their traffic violations and those of their family members.
Traffic – traffic - violation - Violation
The service enables visitors to inquire about traffic violations logged against them
enquiry - moroor - traffic - violation - visitors - visitor - query
The service enables the users to inquire about their Travel Records over the past years.
Dashboard - My Information - Data - Identity-information-personal
This service enables citizen, resident and visitor to register in Absher Platform then activate his/her account through activation channels
Registration - Activation
This electronic service allows beneficiaries to renew the Resident ID of a family member or registered domestic worker easily via Absher platform.
Issuance - Identity - Resident - Renewal - Iqama - Passports - ID - Document
This service allows citizens to renew their Saudi passport electronically with ease, without the need to visit passport offices, through simple and quick steps after submitting the application and completing the procedures via Absher platform.
Renew Passport for Hosting Families - Renew Passport -Passport for Hosting Families
To enable a user to report missing documents through his/her own account.
Report – Reporting- ID- Certificate - Lost - Loss – Affairs- Card - Stolen - Lost - Request Replacement Document - Request Replacment Document - replacment document
This service enables the user to report a lost death certificate for a deceased family member.
الأحوال - الأحوال المدنية - مواعيد -موعد - حجز -احوال - أحوال - الاحوال - مواعيد الاحوال - مواعيد الأحوال
This service enables you report a stolen vehicle by reviewing the terms of the service and filling out the application and acknowledgment of the undertaking.
- استبدال لوحات - استبدال - الابلاغ عن سرقة - الابلاغ عن سرقة او فقدان لوحة مركبة - الابلاغ عن سرقة او فقدان لوحة - الابلاغ عن سرقة او فقدان
This electronic service allows a citizen head of household to report a lost, stolen, or damaged Saudi passport of a family member through Absher with ease, completing all necessary procedures electronically without visiting passport offices.
Issue Passport for Hosting Families - Issue Passport - Passport for Hosting Families
To enable users registered and activated in Absher platform report the absence of their domestic worker.
Reporting - domestic- worker- absence - work
This service enables you to report a stealing of loss of vehicle plates, by reviewing the service terms and filling the request and agree to the acknowledgment.
Vehicle Plates Replacement - Vehicle Plates - Report Stolen Vehicle - Report Stolen - Report Lost or Stolen Plate - Report Lost or Stolen - Report Lost
This service allows citizens to request a replacement of a damaged ID electronically, with a new document delivered to the beneficiary registered address without the need to visit the civil affairs offices.
شهيد - الواجب - شهيد الواجب - الحد الجنوبي - عسكري - الأحوال المدنية - أحوال - الاحوال - احوال
This service allows citizens to report the loss of their national identity card and request a replacement electronically, with the option to have the document delivered to the registered address without the need to visit Civil Affairs offices.
شهيد - الواجب - شهيد الواجب - الحد الجنوبي - عسكري - الأحوال المدنية - أحوال - الاحوال - احوال
This service enables the user to replace their vehicle’s plate with a long plate with a distinctive logo.
Vehicles Management- Cancel the authorization-Issue Driver Authorization - Renew Vehicle Registration - Issue Vehicle Repair Permit-Issue- Vehicle Repair Permit - Repair Permit-Vehicle - Vehicle Plates Replacement -
To enable users to request a Permit to enter Makkah during the Hajj season for his domestic workers. If the permit is approved, user will be notified and can print the approved permit.
Permit - enter - Makkah - Hajj - season - domestic workers
To enable users to reset their passwords
Reset – Password – Pass – Word – Password – User – My Account – Forget -change-update-name-PW
This service enables the resident to display: personal information, residence data, visa data, Hajj data, and other data.
نقل - خدمات - نقل كفالة - جوازات - عامل - مكفول - كفالة - كفاله - شغالة - شغاله - سائق - خادمة - خادمه - خدامه - خدامة
This service allows citizens to view their Saudi passport electronically via Absher platform, enabling them to access passport details easily when needed.
Issue Passport for Hosting Families - Issue Passport - Passport for Hosting Families
To enable martyrs of duty’s family members to book an exceptional appointment to visit Civil Affairs offices.
شهيد - الواجب - شهيد الواجب - الحد الجنوبي - عسكري - الأحوال المدنية - أحوال - الاحوال - احوال
This service enable individuals to communicate with the General Directorate of Civil Affairs, and to facilitate the process of submitting complaints, observations, and suggestions to the General Directorates of Civil Affairs in the regions and provinces.
بياناتي - البيانات - بيانات- أحوال
To enable the elderly and citizens with special needs to request Civil Affairs Service at home.
elderly - citizens- special needs - Service
To enable individuals to submit request to the passport department; it also allows inquiry about the requests.
Message center of passports
To enable users to upload requests with Ministerial Agency of Civil Affairs, to execute any of the following services:
- Tahsen
• Suggestion, Complaints and Notes
- National ID Services
• Request Change of Qualification
• Linking Children ID with Parent ID
• Correction of Marital Status
• Edit the Name in English
Message center of civil affairs
This service enables individuals to submit a request to the traffic department to install an alert (safety) device for establishments
Tawasul-traffic-Tawasul traffic
The service enables individuals to submit and follow up requests, online, through Absher platform with the sectors or governorates in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Tawasul Regions Governorates
To enable users who are registered and activated in “Absher” platform to transfer the services of domestic workers online.
Transfer- domestic- workers - services
To enable the users to issue and cancel travel permits for family members.
Permit - Travel - Followers - Issuing - Cancellation - Girl - Child - Children - Wife - Passports - Son - Document
Through this service, you can add a new address or update the current address to be used for the VAT invoice by the Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority and for the delivery of government documents or requests that will be made through the Absher platform.
Update Address
This service enables the user to update the mobile number registered in Absher after logging in
Update Mobile Number
To enable users to update the information of passports of their sponsored individuals online.
update - Passport - information - resident
This service allows the beneficiary to verify the citizen data document that was issued by “Bayanati Plus” service
بياناتي - البيانات - بيانات- أحوال
This service allows citizens and residents across the Kingdom to deregister abandoned or damaged vehicles electronically through Absher platform. This is done after reviewing the list of accredited centers, facilitating the process and ensuring the proper disposal of unfit vehicles in a legal and safe manner while adhering to approved traffic regulations.
Cancel Vehicle User
This service allows individuals to sell their private vehicles and transfer ownership electronically with ease and security.This is done after reaching an agreement with the buyer and completing all required procedures, including a vehicle inspection to ensure compliance with regulations, guaranteeing a smooth and reliable experience without the need for in-person visits to the relevant authorities.
Vehicle Ownership Transfer - Vehicle Ownership - Vehicle Transfer
This service enables individuals to request a vehicle repair permit electronically without the need to visit traffic department.
- Issue Vehicle Repair Permit-Issue- Vehicle Repair Permit - Repair Permit-Vehicle -
This service enables individuals to submit a request for replacement for damaged and missing plates, besides requesting plates with a distinguished logo or a longitudinal shape.
Renew Vehicle Registration - Issue Vehicle Repair Permit-Issue- Vehicle Repair Permit - Repair Permit-Vehicle - Vehicle Plates Replacement - Vehicle Plates - Report Stolen Vehicle - Report Stolen - Report Lost or
This service allows individuals to renew their vehicle registration (Istimara) electronically with ease at any time and from anywhere, with easy and simple steps through the Absher platform, without the need to visit the relevant authorities.
Authorize - User - Actual – authorization – authorized - Cancel - Drive - Outside the Kingdom – Inside the Kingdom
This service allows users to verify the data on a birth certificate.
بياناتي - البيانات - بيانات- أحوال
This service allows users to verify the data on a death certificate.
بياناتي - البيانات - بيانات- أحوال
This service allows citizens and residents to view the digital birth certificate of a beneficiary or a family member, with the ability to print it.
بياناتي - البيانات - بيانات- أحوال
This service allows citizens and residents to view a death certificate digitally and print it for a family member, parent, or sponsored employee.
بياناتي - البيانات - بيانات- أحوال
This service enable the beneficiary to view the “digital ID”
شهيد - الواجب - شهيد الواجب - الحد الجنوبي - عسكري - الأحوال المدنية - أحوال - الاحوال - احوال
This service enable the beneficiary to view the “digital family register”
شهيد - الواجب - شهيد الواجب - الحد الجنوبي - عسكري - الأحوال المدنية - أحوال - الاحوال - احوال
This service enables the resident to issue an exit and reentry visa or request a final exit visa for the resident
نقل - خدمات - نقل كفالة - جوازات - عامل - مكفول - كفالة - كفاله - شغالة - شغاله - سائق - خادمة - خادمه - خدامه - خدامة
The service enables the issuance of a visitor report and accessing the basic information electronically.
نقل - خدمات - نقل كفالة - جوازات - عامل - مكفول - كفالة - كفاله - شغالة - شغاله - سائق - خادمة - خادمه - خدامه - خدامة
This service allows the user to view and renew all the licenses for weapons that registered under the user's Id.
Renew Weapon License-Weapon License-Weapon
The service enables a user to transfer a weapon ownership through Absher platform.
Weapon Ownership Transfer
This service allows individual to inquire about Weapon License.
Weapons Inquiry-Query-Weapon
This service allows individuals who own a vehicle registration license to print their vehicle registration electronically with ease and convenience, anytime and from anywhere. The process is simple and straightforward through Absher platform, eliminating the need to visit traffic department offices.
Authorize - User - Actual – authorization – authorized - Cancel - Drive - Outside the Kingdom – Inside the Kingdom